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Surfboard Fins

Fins can change a surfboards overall feel and performance completely. If your unhappy with a boards performance try changing the fins.

Here we will briefly explain the basics of fin characteristics and surfboard fin setups. The main fin characteristics explained are depth, base, rake, cant, flex & foil. Once you understand those you need to think about your surfboard fin setup.

Fin Characteristics


Surfboard fin design is an intricate world of limitless variations... we will briefly explain the basic characteristics to help you understand fin performance.  Firstly, it's important to understand too much or too little of any feature can have adverse effects, the key is finding the perfect balance of characteristics.  We kept this in mind while designing our Series II fins, designed for all-round performance and everyday shred.



Refers to fin height  (more depth = more hold)

Fin depth refers to the height of your fin. Distance between base and fin tip, not including tab system. Larger depth means your fins go deeper into the water creating more hold and stability. Smaller depth means less hold with increased release and slide.



Refers to base length  (longer base = more drive)

Length between front and rear edge of your fin. Base length is directly related to drive and acceleration. A longer base creates more drive and acceleration.



angle of backwards curve (less rake = more pivot)

Rake is the angle of backwards curve, measured perpendicular from centre of base to middle of fin tip. Fin rake determines pivot. Fins with a large rake (more backwards curve) draw longer turns, good for long walls on bigger days. Fins with less rake (less backwards curve, more vertical) perform tighter turns, good for surfing tight in the pocket on smaller days.


outward angle of side fins (more cant = more loose)

Cant is the angle side fins lean outwards from perpendicular. Fins with no or little cant generate speed faster but have a stiffer feeling. Fins with more cant have increased maneuverability with a looser feel.



sideways movement under pressure (less flex = more responsive)

Flex is the amount of sideways bend your fins have during manoeuvres. Less flex gives fins more response, speed and drive but too little flex will make fins hard to turn. More flex has less drive but can be easier to handle, more forgiving and offers a whipping sensation out of turns.

Flat Foil
fast directional changes

Inside Foil
adds lift and hold

80/20 Foil
increased sensitivity

50/50 Foil
stability and control


Generally refers to the geometry (shape) of inside face

Foil shape determines how water flows around your fins playing a huge role in overall performance. Different foil shapes have a direct link to speed, hold and release. Basic foil shapes include flat foil, inside foil, 80/20 foil or 50/50 foil. Flat and inside foils are generally used on side fins, 80/20 foils are generally used for smaller rear fins on quad setups, the 50/50 foil is for single fin setups and centre fins on thrusters.

Fin Setups


Surfboard Fin setups

The most common surfboard fin setups are Single Fin, Twin Fin, Thrusters and Quads - Mix things up and try them all, surfing is about having fun.

Single Fin Setup

Twin Fin Setup

Thruster Setup

Quad Setup

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